Pull him into the entryway,
stick your tongue in his mouth and reach
under his robe, til he gets wet; put
his face to the wall, lift his robe
and fuck him. If he stares in anguish
then hold him tightly and let him come two times;
otherwise, by the end, he'll be in shock.
Admonish him so he sways his butt;
let him know he's free to grab your balls.
Tell him he can fall without fear
while he is hanging between earth and heaven -
but don't look him in the face while you are fucking him
and, for heaven's sake, don't crush his wings.
Es imposible seducir a un ángel sino se hace de inmediato.
Arrincónele en un zaguán,
métale la lengua en la boca y la mano
bajo la falda
hasta que se moje;
apriétele el rostro
contra el muro,
levántele la falda y cójale.
Si le mira con angustia, tómele más fuerte y hágale venir dos veces,
de lo contrario, al final quedará en choque.
Admonéstele para que mueva las
hágale saber que tiene permiso para
tocarle los huevos.
Dígale que puede dejarse caer sin temor
mientras esté colgando entre el cielo y la
Eso si, cuando le arremeta no le mire los ojos,
y por el amor de dios, no le tuerza las